About Us


At AFuture, we believe in crafting experiences that liberate the adventurous spirit. Founded in 2021 by Alexander Bazley, a seasoned real estate visionary with nearly two decades of industry experience, our mission is to redefine hospitality through immersive development, technological innovation, and an unwavering commitment to individual freedom. With a strong foundation in business administration and public service, Alex has forged alliances that propel AFuture's mission forward.

Primitive Freedom Palm Springs embodies our ethos of breathtaking natural beauty and cultural exploration. This desert experience invites adventurers to disconnect, discover, and forge a deeper connection with nature – all while embracing the comforts and vibrant culture of Palm Springs nearby. 

Blacktop Safari in South Los Angeles offers a unique experience tailored specifically for exclusive travelers. This innovative concept allows explorers to experience the city's distinctive inner city.

Our passion extends beyond traditional real estate with Absolute Freedom: a Bitcoin education project. We actively champion this decentralized technology as a platform for economic freedom and distributed property ownership. 

AFuture empowers individuals to chart their own course, thrive in the face of challenges, and experience life on their own terms.